my grandmom (not my mom's birth mother) was warded. stroke.
i'm worried. =(
::[oppose monotony][support diversity]::[oppose inhibitions][support wild passion]::[oppose unanimity][support hierarchy]::[oppose spinach][support snails in their shells]::
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
something must be very wrong with me lately.
sibeh angry (with myself only lar) =S
i suppose to take the train towards pasir ris/ changi airport from jurong east (i went there for room viewing), and alight at commonwealth to get back to home. BUT i took the train towards joo koon! and this time round i only realize i took the wrong train when i reached BOON LAY!
shit lar. i don't know what's wrong with me. =(((
sibeh angry (with myself only lar) =S
i suppose to take the train towards pasir ris/ changi airport from jurong east (i went there for room viewing), and alight at commonwealth to get back to home. BUT i took the train towards joo koon! and this time round i only realize i took the wrong train when i reached BOON LAY!
shit lar. i don't know what's wrong with me. =(((
i arrived suuuuuuper late at work today at 11am.
i had a mini battle with ants. 'coz they invade my breakfast!
yes. my current place are heavily infested with ants. according to my observation, there are mainly 2 species (or subspecies?) that are currently co-reside with the 6 homo sapiens.
both types are small. brownish red. no, not the kind we usually known as red ants with their deadly bite. but yes, both types DO bite. *ooouch*
and they colonize everywhere - from the common places like kitchen to dining hall to living room to bedroom (i sprayed unwanted perfume in my bedroom coz i read somewhere that perfume prevent ants), and lastly, the bathroom.
yes, BATHROOM. they ain't scared of water after all i guess. how superb they can be!
kjfivj* was suggesting that i should with housemate to recruit pest buster so as to get rid of them. but i guess even if we hire one and the pest buster DO manage to get rid of all of them (which is unlikely), ants will still come back since we have people with bad habits like leaving their food overnight uncovered/unkept, don't bother to clean up after eating/cooking, improper food storage etc.
i shall just do my part (of cleaning) and only will strike back if those ants invade. *grrrrr*
i was a nyctophobia according to FB! (which i think is quite true in some extent. but i do appreciate darkness of certain degree when i sleep).
Fear of the dark also known as Nyctophobia is common among young children who often fear that something catastrophic may happen to them in the night. In the darkness, we can't see very well, and for a young child, particularly one with a healthy imagination, this can be very frightening. A pervading sense can build that something sinister is just out of sight and arm's reach waiting for its moment to strike. Some adults can suffer from this fear - particularly those who suffer from nightmares or have traumatic memories. Although gradual exposure to darkness can be helpful to nyctophobics, the management of nightmares and bad memories is liable to require specialist help.
hmm, somewhat it coincides with something that have been in my mind lately.
i had a mini battle with ants. 'coz they invade my breakfast!
yes. my current place are heavily infested with ants. according to my observation, there are mainly 2 species (or subspecies?) that are currently co-reside with the 6 homo sapiens.
both types are small. brownish red. no, not the kind we usually known as red ants with their deadly bite. but yes, both types DO bite. *ooouch*
and they colonize everywhere - from the common places like kitchen to dining hall to living room to bedroom (i sprayed unwanted perfume in my bedroom coz i read somewhere that perfume prevent ants), and lastly, the bathroom.
yes, BATHROOM. they ain't scared of water after all i guess. how superb they can be!
kjfivj* was suggesting that i should with housemate to recruit pest buster so as to get rid of them. but i guess even if we hire one and the pest buster DO manage to get rid of all of them (which is unlikely), ants will still come back since we have people with bad habits like leaving their food overnight uncovered/unkept, don't bother to clean up after eating/cooking, improper food storage etc.
i shall just do my part (of cleaning) and only will strike back if those ants invade. *grrrrr*
i was a nyctophobia according to FB! (which i think is quite true in some extent. but i do appreciate darkness of certain degree when i sleep).
Fear of the dark also known as Nyctophobia is common among young children who often fear that something catastrophic may happen to them in the night. In the darkness, we can't see very well, and for a young child, particularly one with a healthy imagination, this can be very frightening. A pervading sense can build that something sinister is just out of sight and arm's reach waiting for its moment to strike. Some adults can suffer from this fear - particularly those who suffer from nightmares or have traumatic memories. Although gradual exposure to darkness can be helpful to nyctophobics, the management of nightmares and bad memories is liable to require specialist help.
hmm, somewhat it coincides with something that have been in my mind lately.
Monday, April 20, 2009
1. i've been lazing around after work. i will climb up (the double deck) and lying on my stomach and start to load some taiwanese drama to watch. and i will continue to watch until i feel drain and doze off.
so, if you happened to send me msg over msn and i dont reply, u know why. ;p
2. ever since zvtjo* urge me to create a pet in FB (according to her, Pet Society is for people who is so damn free and I somewhat fit the classification -.-"), i'm addicted.
i'm addicted to get/win more coins so as to buy the whatever that i've been eyeing!
shit lar, this is so like maple story. =S too addictive. one shall never start playing it at all.
3. the research meeting went well. i was telling cfs* that i somewhat feel more stress in work than that in uni =( i'm not sure if that is because of
a) my boss always not very clear on his instruction, and the more i ask the vague his answer becomes. he surely remind me of Mr Greg Poi during my FYP in SP. =S
b) i'm totally clueless about expasy/swiss prot/ scan prosite/ interpro programme available online, until recently.
c) i think a research fellow should be doing the whole decide-the-direction-of-the-research thingy.
d) all of the above.
i need some antidotes for this. i can't be possibly in this induced stress level for the one whole year of working until my contract ends, right?
and before i can find such antidote, the entertainment in No. 1 above shall do the job. though it's a damn autistic and unhealthy one.
4. i did all the stupid stuff yesterday when jsjt* came over to SG.
first i overslept. (and so my housemate manged to use the bathroom before me, and she sang andi think did spa for freaking long period in the bathroom). and so, i was late.
then i brought jsjt* to the train ON THE WRONG PLATFORM. we were at commonwealth and we were to head east. and i only realized it's the wrong direction when we reached jurong east. JURONG EAST!! not buona vista, not dover, not clementi, but JURONG EAST!
next i brought jsjt* to Miss Clarity Cafe (it's been very long since i last went there). and alas! the cafe is close on Sunday. (i do remember i used to hang around the cafe during weekends.)
lastly.. something that i don't feel like talking about here.
oh the above, please grant me some wisdom.
5. i bumped into jtbjai* and gf ftuifs* after 10 laps at the padang beside commonwealth station.
and he said my skin was so red as if it's on fire!
hello, that is 'natural glow' lar! if i was as pale as a sheet of paper, you will need to skip dinner and bring me back home to ensure i don't pass out in the middle of the road.
6. talking about situation between jtbjai* and ftuifs*, this is the first time i ever heard about forced marriage. or arranged marriange. whatever you call it. (that is, ftiuifs* is to married to another guy her parents prefer). i guess the culture difference is really great here.
hope they will manage to talk her parent out. or at least postpone the whole plan.
7. my primary school friend kfsbme* called last week and we had a nice (read: long) chat. apart from catching up, he also mentioned about his not so recent breaking up with his gf. to relate to my previous entry on 20th Apr, his is the third pair aldready. and all this happened even before the so-called chaotic May-Jul period (according to XYZ which i'm not telling).
i feel sad for kfsbme* 'coz he's been with his gf for about 6 years already. i don't belive him at all when he said he doesn't feel sad.
8. 天長地久,有多久, 能給個時間嗎?
something is wrong with my Chinese (PRC). now i cant key in 簡體字.interesting.
so, if you happened to send me msg over msn and i dont reply, u know why. ;p
2. ever since zvtjo* urge me to create a pet in FB (according to her, Pet Society is for people who is so damn free and I somewhat fit the classification -.-"), i'm addicted.
i'm addicted to get/win more coins so as to buy the whatever that i've been eyeing!
shit lar, this is so like maple story. =S too addictive. one shall never start playing it at all.
3. the research meeting went well. i was telling cfs* that i somewhat feel more stress in work than that in uni =( i'm not sure if that is because of
a) my boss always not very clear on his instruction, and the more i ask the vague his answer becomes. he surely remind me of Mr Greg Poi during my FYP in SP. =S
b) i'm totally clueless about expasy/swiss prot/ scan prosite/ interpro programme available online, until recently.
c) i think a research fellow should be doing the whole decide-the-direction-of-the-research thingy.
d) all of the above.
i need some antidotes for this. i can't be possibly in this induced stress level for the one whole year of working until my contract ends, right?
and before i can find such antidote, the entertainment in No. 1 above shall do the job. though it's a damn autistic and unhealthy one.
4. i did all the stupid stuff yesterday when jsjt* came over to SG.
first i overslept. (and so my housemate manged to use the bathroom before me, and she sang and
then i brought jsjt* to the train ON THE WRONG PLATFORM. we were at commonwealth and we were to head east. and i only realized it's the wrong direction when we reached jurong east. JURONG EAST!! not buona vista, not dover, not clementi, but JURONG EAST!
next i brought jsjt* to Miss Clarity Cafe (it's been very long since i last went there). and alas! the cafe is close on Sunday. (i do remember i used to hang around the cafe during weekends.)
lastly.. something that i don't feel like talking about here.
oh the above, please grant me some wisdom.
5. i bumped into jtbjai* and gf ftuifs* after 10 laps at the padang beside commonwealth station.
and he said my skin was so red as if it's on fire!
hello, that is 'natural glow' lar! if i was as pale as a sheet of paper, you will need to skip dinner and bring me back home to ensure i don't pass out in the middle of the road.
6. talking about situation between jtbjai* and ftuifs*, this is the first time i ever heard about forced marriage. or arranged marriange. whatever you call it. (that is, ftiuifs* is to married to another guy her parents prefer). i guess the culture difference is really great here.
hope they will manage to talk her parent out. or at least postpone the whole plan.
7. my primary school friend kfsbme* called last week and we had a nice (read: long) chat. apart from catching up, he also mentioned about his not so recent breaking up with his gf. to relate to my previous entry on 20th Apr, his is the third pair aldready. and all this happened even before the so-called chaotic May-Jul period (according to XYZ which i'm not telling).
i feel sad for kfsbme* 'coz he's been with his gf for about 6 years already. i don't belive him at all when he said he doesn't feel sad.
8. 天長地久,有多久, 能給個時間嗎?
something is wrong with my Chinese (PRC). now i cant key in 簡體字.interesting.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
i was reading FF's blog and i'm amazed that if one would like to delete his/her FB account, you almost have to do it manually -- to delete every wall post, every status update, everything. (not too sure if need to delete all applications as well). gosh, that will take forever. might as well just let it rot there.
this is my current ear bug. 如果没有. MV and lyrics here.
世界上最遙遠的距離 不是生與死
而是我就站在你面前 你卻不知道我愛你
世界上最遙遠的距離 不是我就站在你面前 你卻不知道我愛你
而是明明知道彼此相愛 卻不能在一起
世界上最遙遠的距離 不是明明知道彼此相愛卻不能在一起
而是明明無法抵擋這股想念 卻還得故意裝作絲毫沒有把你放在心裡
世界上最遙遠的距離 不是明明無法抵擋這股想念 卻還得故意裝作絲毫沒有把你放在心裡
而是用自己冷漠的心 對愛你的人 掘了一條無法跨越的溝渠
(from SOMEWHERE but dunno where. i saw this some times before and had it in my draft for zillion years).
i finally create a pet, yyyenom (that is, moneyyy reading backwards -- i'm seriously b-r-o-k-e), in pet society. i think whoever the high-scorer must be VERY free to actually visit other pets every now and then and play/bath/feed it, and to score points etc.. quite bo liao, but can be quite a time killer =)
bmbo* asked me about the suppose-april-fool text message i send out.. err, last last week? lol. and he even had his own script on who is the male lead. gzz. it's a prank okie, prank.
it's bloody supposedly an april fool joke lar. there isn't 31st on the month april.
i had a nice long chat with uftifoh* on last Thursday, the same day a new shopping mall in Tampines lauched. *thanks for forsake must-be-too-crowded-to-shop launch* and talk to me abt sfj*. after all, uftifoh*is the only one who met and talked to sfi* before. and i expect some constructive (and yet objective) comments from him.
he tried to. and he did-- before we head home on the last train.
thanks, uftinoh*.
this is my current ear bug. 如果没有. MV and lyrics here.
世界上最遙遠的距離 不是生與死
而是我就站在你面前 你卻不知道我愛你
世界上最遙遠的距離 不是我就站在你面前 你卻不知道我愛你
而是明明知道彼此相愛 卻不能在一起
世界上最遙遠的距離 不是明明知道彼此相愛卻不能在一起
而是明明無法抵擋這股想念 卻還得故意裝作絲毫沒有把你放在心裡
世界上最遙遠的距離 不是明明無法抵擋這股想念 卻還得故意裝作絲毫沒有把你放在心裡
而是用自己冷漠的心 對愛你的人 掘了一條無法跨越的溝渠
(from SOMEWHERE but dunno where. i saw this some times before and had it in my draft for zillion years).
i finally create a pet, yyyenom (that is, moneyyy reading backwards -- i'm seriously b-r-o-k-e), in pet society. i think whoever the high-scorer must be VERY free to actually visit other pets every now and then and play/bath/feed it, and to score points etc.. quite bo liao, but can be quite a time killer =)
bmbo* asked me about the suppose-april-fool text message i send out.. err, last last week? lol. and he even had his own script on who is the male lead. gzz. it's a prank okie, prank.
it's bloody supposedly an april fool joke lar. there isn't 31st on the month april.
i had a nice long chat with uftifoh* on last Thursday, the same day a new shopping mall in Tampines lauched. *thanks for forsake must-be-too-crowded-to-shop launch* and talk to me abt sfj*. after all, uftifoh*is the only one who met and talked to sfi* before. and i expect some constructive (and yet objective) comments from him.
he tried to. and he did-- before we head home on the last train.
thanks, uftinoh*.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
I ---- when i listened to this song in jsjt's car the other day. (thanks dear for the company. thanks for tolerate the N times play back of the same song. thanks for tolerating my far-from-good singing voice). and now this has become the ear bugs. =P
no wonder the song sounds incredibly familiar. cfs*'s little wifey fjmffo* had part of the lyrics as her personal message on msn before!
Plain White T's 1234 -
There's only 1 thing 2 do 3 words 4 you -- I Love You
Lyrics see here.
no wonder the song sounds incredibly familiar. cfs*'s little wifey fjmffo* had part of the lyrics as her personal message on msn before!
Plain White T's 1234 -
There's only 1 thing 2 do 3 words 4 you -- I Love You
Lyrics see here.
Thursday, April 09, 2009
1. For some who already knew, i shifted house again one week ago - more exposure to different culture (and different hygiene level). Hygiene wise aside, i find them kind, funny, and eager to share with me their home country, traditional food, jems, etc.
It's definitely a good experience i must say.
2. I went down to YIH and get the wireless optical mouse exchanged. Gah, hot weather. damn. I think i still want a usb mouse lar. I'm old-fashioned and conservative. ;p
3. Bumped into zvtjo* and her bf at science canteen during lunch. and she was wearing this purple-colored contact lenses. nice!~~ zvtjo* still talks suuuuper fast. luckily i still manage to catch what is she talking about. I must have adapt to aussie-style too well now i speak like an old lady.. s.l.o.w =(
4. kjfivj* decided not to join for movie so the whole plan was canceled =( i wonder when i will have the sudden urge to catch movie again. hmm, probably quite soon since i'm really bore during weekday. weekend? sorry, time occupied.
5. I was chatting with dipohlpl* and tubo* via msn on separate nights. So what is it now? Season for breaking up? haih, probably I should consider part-time counselling. lol.
6. I finally score above 100K in Bejeweled Blitz on FB. okie, now i can resume my journal reading until someone else pulls me off from the scoreboard.

Gah, i have no idea how to make the pic looks nice on this blog. I might need to change the skin.
7. I start to find more info on whichcountry cities to go for backpacking. The inner me is very very enthusiastic! Oh well, i shall not reveal too much until i really decide on where to go ;)
8. Have a nice Good Friday holiday and (for some), Easter holiday as well.
It's definitely a good experience i must say.
2. I went down to YIH and get the wireless optical mouse exchanged. Gah, hot weather. damn. I think i still want a usb mouse lar. I'm old-fashioned and conservative. ;p
3. Bumped into zvtjo* and her bf at science canteen during lunch. and she was wearing this purple-colored contact lenses. nice!~~ zvtjo* still talks suuuuper fast. luckily i still manage to catch what is she talking about. I must have adapt to aussie-style too well now i speak like an old lady.. s.l.o.w =(
4. kjfivj* decided not to join for movie so the whole plan was canceled =( i wonder when i will have the sudden urge to catch movie again. hmm, probably quite soon since i'm really bore during weekday. weekend? sorry, time occupied.
5. I was chatting with dipohlpl* and tubo* via msn on separate nights. So what is it now? Season for breaking up? haih, probably I should consider part-time counselling. lol.
6. I finally score above 100K in Bejeweled Blitz on FB. okie, now i can resume my journal reading until someone else pulls me off from the scoreboard.
Gah, i have no idea how to make the pic looks nice on this blog. I might need to change the skin.
7. I start to find more info on which
8. Have a nice Good Friday holiday and (for some), Easter holiday as well.
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
I finally watch the Oscar-winning (Best Foreign Language Film) Departures or おくりびと despite the fact that i should trying to save on every single cents until my get on pay on 18th 17th (it's Saturday on 18th so the pay day is being bring forward). And i think the money is well-spent.
I guess there must be tonnes of people writing about the synopsis/ review. or one can search wikipedia. so i guess i will spare the details here.
It's not the first time the profession of 'undertaker' (or in おくりびと, the Nokan or encoffineer)being filmed. in Perfect Cut (Singapore Channel U drama), this profession was being described, though not to great detail (the show is about cosmetic surgery anyway).
I like it when Daigo Kobayashi (the main lead) accepts the challenge to prepare the bodies of the deceased for their afterlife, although his first 'business' did disgust him to the max. Gradually, he gains greater appreciation between life and death. He holds on to his belief even though his wife, Mika, and childhood friend think it is a dirty job. (Of course it ended in such a way that both his wife and friend come to realise and accept his profession).
I also like the story of Stone Letter =). The story was told to Diago from his father when he is still young and before his father abandon the family. According to the father, stone letter is a way to express your feeling way before human being starts to write. Say if you send a smooth stone, the receiver will be able to feel that the sender was in a happy mood, vice versa. Diago could not forgive his father for abandonment until his father passed away and he prepared his own father's body, and realize his father is still choosing stone for him the second he wallow his last breath. That was a promise made when Diago was still young. The care and concern of parents towards children is absolute, even with mistakes done and feel ashamed towards the kids.
Despite the fact that the topic deals with deceases and death, some of the plots are hilarious-- we chuckled and giggled our way-- well, it's hard not to! For example when Diago's boss's comments on meat (food) = bodies, repeated baths/ scrubs Diago had after his first experience dealing with body, and the scene with xmas celebration, to name a few. (The last do make me feel like eating KFC in the middle of the show).. Not forgetting the scenery when Diago plays his cello - ice-capped mountain and the sakura. It's fabulous.
It's a genuinely sincere show. Deserves the award indeed.
I guess there must be tonnes of people writing about the synopsis/ review. or one can search wikipedia. so i guess i will spare the details here.
It's not the first time the profession of 'undertaker' (or in おくりびと, the Nokan or encoffineer)being filmed. in Perfect Cut (Singapore Channel U drama), this profession was being described, though not to great detail (the show is about cosmetic surgery anyway).
I like it when Daigo Kobayashi (the main lead) accepts the challenge to prepare the bodies of the deceased for their afterlife, although his first 'business' did disgust him to the max. Gradually, he gains greater appreciation between life and death. He holds on to his belief even though his wife, Mika, and childhood friend think it is a dirty job. (Of course it ended in such a way that both his wife and friend come to realise and accept his profession).
I also like the story of Stone Letter =). The story was told to Diago from his father when he is still young and before his father abandon the family. According to the father, stone letter is a way to express your feeling way before human being starts to write. Say if you send a smooth stone, the receiver will be able to feel that the sender was in a happy mood, vice versa. Diago could not forgive his father for abandonment until his father passed away and he prepared his own father's body, and realize his father is still choosing stone for him the second he wallow his last breath. That was a promise made when Diago was still young. The care and concern of parents towards children is absolute, even with mistakes done and feel ashamed towards the kids.
Despite the fact that the topic deals with deceases and death, some of the plots are hilarious-- we chuckled and giggled our way-- well, it's hard not to! For example when Diago's boss's comments on meat (food) = bodies, repeated baths/ scrubs Diago had after his first experience dealing with body, and the scene with xmas celebration, to name a few. (The last do make me feel like eating KFC in the middle of the show).. Not forgetting the scenery when Diago plays his cello - ice-capped mountain and the sakura. It's fabulous.
It's a genuinely sincere show. Deserves the award indeed.
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